O víkendu jsme slavnostně odhalili pamětní desku, která připomíná pětileté výročí návštěvy britského prince Charlese v Hostětíně. I po pěti letech v Hostětíně zůstávají v platnosti přínosy, o kterých se tehdy s princem diskutovalo: čistší ovzduší, levnější energie z obnovitelných zdrojů (především slunce a biomasy), energetická soběstačnost a pracovní příležitosti.
Více podrobností si přečtěte v tiskové zprávě.
Your celebration can take place either in the open air in our natural garden or enjoying the hospitality of our passive house. The house offers all the amenities, including accommodation.
We can help you to prepare a traditional or nontraditional form of reception and arrange meals and the evening reception. According to the agreement we will be happy to cook a menu in organic quality, with local ingredients, accompanied by fair trade drinks and Hostětín organic apple juice directly from the source. You can taste our vegetarian dishes, healthy desserts.
Your big day, and you can complete it with spending the night in our ECO-INN.
We can arrange program by appointment, for example, a tour of Hostetin, dulcimer music or other music, campfires and our specialty - apple 4 ways. We can show you our sculptures in the landscape around Hostetin with commentary on the landscape of the White Carpathians and we invite you to walk to the spa Luhačovice.
Do you long for an experience?
Baking CAKES, pickling cabbage, stargazing, stapling, felting wool, learning bird sounds, the production of herbal wine, insect houses and bird houses, cooking with weeds, hike in the footsteps of the goddesses of Žitkova – you can do all of it! And what more ...?
Do not miss out on the accompanying training and workshops with topics of green office, tips for ecology in your household, ecological engineering, ecological agriculture, climate protection and energy conservation, and ecological footprint.
Prepare for a motivational and educational stay in Hostetin for your employees or clients. You can combine business training with the unique possibility of our specialized programs and workshops.
We can prepare a proposal for running the office in an environmentally friendly fashion - the concept of green procurement.
Design and prepare professionally oriented field trips for different objectives. Thematic focus on passive and Green building, renewable energy, water management in the landscape, exemplary solutions for public areas. For more information please contact us.
We are happy to welcome you to us.
The passive house, the sunny, magical landscape of the White Carpathians, being able to taste organic apple juice directly from the source, sculptures in the landscape, crayfish in the stream, and nighttime stargazing ... how can you resist?
ECO-INN Centre Veronica is built as a passive house and is an example of organic architecture. It has modern interiors using natural materials such as clay plaster, clay bricks, straw insulation, solid wood. The maintenance and operation of the house is certified as an environmentally friendly service, and solar energy and biomass is used for heating, rainwater for flushing and wet plants for wastewater treatment. The house is surrounded by a sample nature garden and orchard with a creek - a perfect place to relax or play games, for both children and adults.
Groups of more than 10 people is offered full board or half board, also if individual guests amounts to 10 or more people (please inquire before your stay).
Guests have a fully equipped kitchen with kettle, stove, oven, microwave, common refrigerator for possible storage of food.
We cook preferably with homemade ingredients and organic food. We can prepare vegetarian, vegan, diet or regional menu. Directly "from the source" with us you will enjoy the famous Hostětín juice and for breakfast we serve fair trade coffee. See details.
More details about what we offer can be found in the right hand column, or ask us.
We look forward to seeing you.
Wow children with an excursion to Hostetin - and they will not even be aware they are learning. Interactive programs show them how the passive house works, what biomass is and how the water from the village is cleaned. We organize multi-day stays for older elementary and secondary schools.
With their own eyes, the children will see that energy from the sun is sufficient to heat water, the village can be heated with wood, and bacteria on the roots of plants manage to clean waste water. In the form of interactive excursions pupils get closer our environmental projects (reed bed wastewater treatment plant, municipal biomass heating plant, passive house, solar collectors, photovoltaic power plant, apple juicing plant, and friendly public lighting). Interpretation and accompanying gaming activities are tailored to their age.
The concept of sustainable development is now the inflection of all cases - but how does it actually work? This is what pupils and students learns during their stay in Hostetin. Where else to learn about sustainable development than in the village where the term is put into practice?
More information
Ecoschool is an international program under which pupils learn about environmental issues and at the same time strive to minimize and sort waste, save energy and water and improve the environment of the school and its surroundings. Based on a school-wide Eco-working team, create your own ekokodex, analyze the current situation at the school in these areas and suggest improvements that you then try to fulfill.
The program is suitable for primary schools, secondary, and special schools large and small, rural and urban schools experienced in the field of environmental education and schools just beginning.
If you want to know the details please contact us. We coordinate the program in region. More what information can also be found on the web www.ekoskola.cz
We offer students and high schools and universities professional training, internships and leadership vintage, and help with papers, dissertations and theses.
Universities are offered a unique environment in Hostetin and environmental projects - examples of sustainable development in practice. Come join us on an excursion or field practicum - for example, with the theme of sustainable development, climate protection, local economy and landscape ecology.
There is no such thing as too much good inspiration, come take a tour in Hostetin and we will show you our environmental projects. We can also prepare a draft of a similar friendly operation or your office or home. It is possible - just try.
We invite you to take a tour of the model projects implemented in Hostetin, with the information of their economic, environmental and social benefits. We describe the technical, financial and organizational circumstances surrounding the projects. (We also offer overnight accommodation at our ECO-INN – in the passive house, also offering meals using local organic food).
We can prepare a proposal for an environmentally friendly operation of your office and established organizations. Offer includes: assessing the current state, draft measures for staff seminars, consultations, and the possibility of long-term co-operation / monitoring process.
We design and organize a tour to meet your needs for good examples of local and regional sustainable development projects at local and regional level. They can thematically focus on energy, water management in the landscape, nature conservation, civic participation processes. The aim of choosing your own rich and verified database of places in the Czech Republic and nearby countries (Austria, Germany, Slovakia). For examples, see www.veronica.cz/ekomapa
For your event we can, for example, arrange a tour of Hostetin, dulcimer music, campfires and our specialty - apple 4 ways. We can show you our sculptures in the landscape around Hostetin with commentary on the landscape of the White Carpathians (or a different interpretation) or Luhacovice. Take a look at our range of experiential programs.
We can also provide training and workshops. Topics: green office, ecological engineering, ecological agriculture, climate protection and energy conservation, and ecological footprint.
If you are interested, please contact us.
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Length: 6 km
The Nature and Walking Trail Around Hostětín is a trail through the countryside, on which your local "guide" tells you of how there once lived, worked, and how they celebrated holidays. For example, thinking back to how it was gathering wood from the forest, or how the children were playing while looking after the cattle.Learn what they used to have as local snacks and what to wear on the field.
The beautiful views of the hills will surely captivate you.
Project manager
Vystudovala přírodovědeckou fakultu Masarykovy univerzity v Brně, absolvovala v roce 1996. Po dvouletém studiu angličtiny (částečně v zahraničí) zakotvila na necelé dva roky v brněnské firmě ECO-management s. r. o., kde se věnovala zavádění systémů environmentálního managementu ve firmách a environmentálnímu poradenství. Po mateřské dovolené nastoupila v roce 2006 jako asistentka projektů do Občanského sdružení Tradice Bílých Karpat v Hostětíně a po půl roce přestoupila na stejné pracovní pozici k ZO ČSOP Veronica, Centrum Veronica Hostětín. Zde se věnuje výukovým programům pro školy, pobytovým akcím, propagaci aj. Je koordinátorkou programu "Ekoškola" pro Zlínský kraj. Ve volném čase se kromě svých dětí ráda věnuje výtvarným aktivitám a četbě.
O víkendu jsme slavnostně odhalili pamětní desku, která připomíná pětileté výročí návštěvy britského prince Charlese v Hostětíně. I po pěti letech v Hostětíně zůstávají v platnosti přínosy, o kterých se tehdy s princem diskutovalo: čistší ovzduší, levnější energie z obnovitelných zdrojů (především slunce a biomasy), energetická soběstačnost a pracovní příležitosti.
Britský následník trůnu je znám svým dlouhodobým úsilím a zaujetím, se kterým se věnuje ochraně životního prostředí a podpoře udržitelného rozvoje. Počínaje ochranou klimatu, projektem na ochranu deštných pralesů („Prohrajeme-li boj s kácením pralesů, prohrajeme boj s klimatickou změnou“), přes podporu ekologického zemědělství, práci místních partnerství a zakladatelskou a podpůrnou činností ve stovkách nevládních neziskových organizací. Jeho nasazení neutuchá a v řadě svých letošních projevů zdůrazňuje, že ochranu klimatu považuje za vrcholnou prioritu, kterou se lidstvo musí zabývat (“Tento rok představuje naprosto zásadní příležitost, ne-li poslední šanci, aby mezinárodní společenství vytvořilo soubor vzájemně propojených, soudržných a ambiciózních pravidel, v nichž by se měl pohybovat rozvoj, boj s chudobou a se změnami klimatu, snižování rizik katastrof a ochrana přírodního prostředí. … Nemáme času nazbyt a já nemohu uvěřit, že se kdokoli z nás chce dočkat odsouzení vlastními vnoučaty za to, že úmyslně selhal a nesnažil se o zajištění jejich budoucnosti. Já určitě ne…”), říká princ.
Více podrobností si přečtěte v tiskové zprávě, která je ke stažení v pravém sloupci stránky.