
Kurz zdravého vaření 14. - 16. 3. 2014

Při kurzu zdravého vaření si účastníci vyzoušeli přípravu pestré škály pokrmů od veganských, přes vitariánské až po makrobiotické. Součástí programu byla i přednáška Jaroslava Zrníka o makrobiotickém stravování a večerní workshop "Sto lidí, sto chutí". V roli lektorů se představili: Barbora Němečková, Hana Chytilová a Barbora Miturová. 

Telefon: +420 572 641 855, +420 608 426 029
E-mail: hostetin@veronica.cz

Korespondeční adresa

ZO ČSOP Veronica
Centrum Veronica

č. p. 86 | CZ 687 71 Hostětín
Czech republic

hostetin@veronica.cz | hostetin.veronica.cz

Sídlo, fakturační adresa

ZO ČSOP Veronica
Ekologický institut Veronica

Panská 9 | CZ 602 00 Brno
Czech republic


IČ 13693620
DIČ CZ 13693620

Bankovní údaje

Číslo účtu: 2001190570/2010
Jméno banky : Fio banka, a.s.
Adresa banky : V Celnici 10, Praha 1, 117 21
IBAN: CZ0720100000002001190570
Jméno účtu: ZO ČSOP Veronica

Jak se dostanete do Hostětína

Popis cesty »

Official site of the village »

Employees of Centre Veronica Hostětín

Mgr. Hana Machů

Project manager

We invite you to experience first-hand the life of our unique eco-village, nature garden and passive house.

Families and tourist

Experience the unforgettable beauty
that is the White Carpathians

Corporate events

Fully equipped venue for your event

Corporate events

Weddings and celebrations

Wedding photos unlike any others

Weddings and celebrations

The task of the Centre Veronica Hostětín is to demonstrate that the attitude towards nature, considerate management of resources, and informed interpretation of local heritage may economically stabilize the countryside and solve unemployment even in rather remote areas. It should serve as a living laboratory of sustainable development attitudes and measurements.

We inform, explore, and promote

Educational modules of the Centre are developed mainly in the following expert areas:

  • Sustainable regional development
  • Climate protection, energy savings, and renewable energy resources; ecological building
  • Nature and landscape protection
  • Water in the landscape
  • Extensive fruit growing

They are not only limited to theory but mainly focused on practical transfer of experience, based on long-lasting monitoring of realized model projects:

Research and education are built upon cooperation with a range of experts, schools and institutions. Many allied organizations in the White Carpathians complement the offer of ecological projects with other practical examples and regional specifics. The cooperation with promoters of similar projects abroad is equally important - it expands local experience by international knowledge and latest trends.

Centre Veronica Hostětín offers

  • Expert seminars, conferences, and workshops for representatives of public administration, expert public, NGOs, and business sphere
  • Guided tours of the model projects
  • Programmes and trips for all types of schools
  • Lectures and counselling service for the general public
  • Library and study room with projects documentation
  • Facilities for seminars, team-buildings, and other training activities in the beautiful and clean environment of the White Carpathians
  • Stay in the ecological building that provides:
    • 50 seats for trainings and lectures
    • Room for 100 people for municipal and social meetings
    • 28 beds for accommodation in 11 bed rooms, with 2-4 beds in each
    • workroom for employees and trainees
    • workshop and base for practical classes
    • kitchen preferentially using local and organic products

Centrum Veronica Hostětín is a part of ZO ČSOP Veronica (Basic Organization of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation), a civic association based in Brno, which has been operating in Hostětín and the Zlín region for more than 15 years.


Energy Saving Public Lighting

Model public lighting in Hostětín

The street lighting fixtures were replaced and added to in Hostětín in the spring of 2006 with the goal to improve the quality of the lighting and to save energy. The reconstruction is used for the monitoring of real effects and savings in local conditions and for the education of public administration, commercial subjects and other target groups on the topic of high-quality lighting.

Until the spring of 2006, the street lighting in Hostětín had not served its purpose well. It had not been sufficiently illuminating the necessary surfaces (streets and village square) but had been lighting gardens, windows, people´s eyes, surrounding hillsides and into the air far from the village all the more. The uniformity of illumination of the streets had not been good, some places had been getting more light than necessary, other places too little. A part of the light had a quite unsuitable colour, particularly the open mercury discharge lamps lighting in all directions.

Hostětín had invested into other projects in the past and ran out of financial means needed for the reconstruction of the public lighting. Fortunately, Philips Lighting company came with a generous offer in 2005 and donated a set of top lighting fixtures and the most modern discharge lamps to the village. Ing. Jakub Wittlich, a Philips expert, elaborated a project of a new lighting. Local electrician, Karel Slámečka, installed the new lighting in the spring of 2006.

Technical solution

For the project of the new lighting the village was divided into three zones by frequency of pedestrians and speed of cars driving through:

1. Main streets with the highest frequency of people and the highest speed of cars – where the most light is needed.

2. Streets where some residents drive through occasionally - medium degree of lighting.

3. Streets used by pedestrians only - very few lights are needed.

Degrees of illumination IV, V and VI according to Czech standards were chosen for those zones.

The existing 32 light fixtures were replaced for modern, more economical and light-directing types. In order to improve the uniformity ratio of illumination, another 8 lights were added along the main street, one of them on a newly installed pole.

The light fixtures mostly contain „standard" sodium discharge lamps of power input 50 W (Master SON-T PIA Plus), which emit yellow light.

The exceptionality of the installation consists in the fact that the light fixtures were installed strictly horizontally with the use of a level.

For the village square, Philips lighting company chose extremely efficient discharge lamps 60 W CosmoPolis with electronic ballast, only available on the market since 2005. To be specific, the version of the discharge lamps was CosmoWhite so that the light was whiter and with a high-quality colour rendering. The efficiency of these sources including the ballast is over one hundred lumens per watt. Furthermore, the sources have an extremely low content of mercury - only one milligram in each discharge lamp.

Comparison of old and new look of the village

The old lighting was very non-uniform. Two lamps of four in the picture were out of order. The closest functioning lamp was old, with open mercury discharge lamp weakly illuminating the ground but all the more lighting into the eyes. Much more distant light was emitted by sodium discharge lamp and, as you may judge by the picture, it was glaring.

The street illumination after the reconstruction is more intense, more uniform and with lower power consumption. The light sources are considerably less striking with growing distance and much less glaring.


The total reconstruction investment comprises of two parts. The first one is the value of the donation from Philips Lighting company amounting to 134 thousand CZK. Further expenses were spent by the municipality on the disassembly and assembly of light fixtures and on the purchase of necessary connection accessories, and amounted to 107 000 CZK.

It is obvious that the reconstruction could have been cheaper with basic procurement. The price of such environmentally unfriendly reconstruction could have been lower than one third or one half, however, the final effect would have been significantly worse. There would have been less light in the streets than recommended by the standard and the light would have been directed to surrounding hillsides, into the windows and into the sky and thus the reconstruction would not have met the objective of eliminating the light emissions in undue directions.

Results of the Hostětín reconstruction

Harmful consequences of the public lighting were radically cut down, whilst the illumination intensity of roads and pavements increased twice or more - up to the degree recommended by the Czech standard for illumination degrees IV, V and VI. Also, light towards the surrounding hillsides and in distant air decreased ten times. At the same time, power consumption decreased by more than one third - from power input 4,6 kW of the whole lighting system to 2,9 kW. The consumption in the last years were 17 thousand kWh per year, now the municipality expects that the annual bill will be only 11 thousand kWh.

The impacts of the individual measures will be further monitored and evaluated so that the know-how might be passed on to other municipalities who face the task of reconstruction or investment in public lighting.


Model Projects of Hostětín

2015 Download »

Biomass Heating Plant

Technical parameters

Since 2000, Hostětín disposes a central heating plant (732 kW) using renewable resources of energy. It is fuelled by wood chips of waste wood from nearby sawmills (500-600 t/year), and is connected to 69 of 81 homes in Hostětín by means of a 2,4 km long distribution line.

Effects of the model project

The heating plant produces about 3 500 GJ of heat in one heating season and saves 1 500 tons of CO2 per year. This means that fuel payments do not go to international gas companies, electric or coal-fired power stations, but to the municipality and local entrepreneurs. Also, the air in Hostětín is much cleaner than before.


This unique investment was financed by the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic, a Dutch grant within one of the international mechanisms reducing CO2 emissions in accordance with the Kyoto protocol - joint implementation, the Czech Energy Agency, the municipality, and the residents connected to the heating plant.

The investment in the heating plant has been complemented by thermal insulation of the houses which the citizens perform gradually at their own expense (9 houses were thermally insulated in Hostětín by the year 2006).


Model Projects of Hostětín

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Fruit Drying Kiln

Drying fruit was the most common way to process it in this area in the past. First mentions of fruit drying kilns in eastern Moravia date back to the 17th century; the greatest bloom occurred in the second half of the 19th century. Unfortunately, out of thousands of fruit drying kilns existing in the past just a few persisted up to this day, and are still functional. One of these is a fruit drying kiln in the village of Hostětín, which has probably been standing in the garden behind the juicing plant since the beginning of the 19th century. In this timber house local people dry fruit for their own consumption in an old fashioned way: wood is used for heating and fruit is dried spread over 12 wooden crates that can be loaded with 300 kg fresh fruit at once.

Even modern fruit drying kilns can be heated with wood: the drying air is heated by heating registers or electric heating elements and is forced by fans to circulate.

In order to utilize heat efficiently, it is beneficial to use the heat recuperation which can decrease heat consumption.

Sliced apples and pears, and split plums without stones are dried most often. Dried cherries are very tasty but their preparation is elaborate. The easiest way of drying fruit is at a constant temperature of 50°C, which favourably influences the preservation of taste and smell of dried fruit.

Fruit Drying Kiln in Hostětín

Since 1995, one of the locations of the Traditions of the White Carpathians civic association is in Hostětín, with a focus on protection and use of old regional fruit species and promotion of traditional extensive fruit growing. In autumn 1998 the old wooden fruit drying kiln was restored in the garden of the farmstead belonging to the Veronica Foundation (the last one of former 10 drying kilns in the village). There used to be three thousands fruit drying kilns in the White Carpathians. In one season, 4,5 tons of fruit are dried in the kiln for the citizens of Hostětín and neighbouring villages and towns.


Reed-bed Sewage Treatment Plant

Reed-bed treatment systems (RTBS) are man-made wetlands with planted common wetland species and horizontal subsurface sewage water flow. They function through natural self-purifying processes in the soil environment saturated with water. When sewage water flows through filter medium, impurities are released due to a combined effect of physical, chemical and biological processes.

The self-purification process that takes place in reed-bed treatment systems, is based on the ability of bacteria to degrade organic impurities with their enzymes. This process is used also in vegetated treatment systems where bacteria create macrophyte on roots and a biologically active membrane on filter medium.

Advantages of natural treatment

They include an ecological nature of the facility, possibility of sensitive incorporation in the environment, relatively simple technological and construction design, possibility of sudden high impact, a short-term and long term interruption of the operation, good treatment effects even of diluted sewage water, partial binding of nitrogen and phosphorus as well as heavy metals, possibility to treat sewage water with high proportion of ballast water with low content of organic matter, economic effects consisting in an improvement of soil fertility and increased harvest yield with irrigation. Advantages of reed-bed sewage treatment plants versus traditional sewage treatment plants include low operating costs, simple but regular service, ability to absorb sewage water with considerable fluctuation in composition and amount. On the contrary, a drop in efficiency, often discussed, is not pronounced in winter.

Drawbacks of vegetated treatment

The drawbacks include relatively high requirements of area, a certain dependence of purification effects on climatic conditions, primarily on temperature and solar radiation, necessity of regular qualified attendance which is simple, though, quite a long delay due to a necessity to remove ammonia pollution.

Reed-bed Sewage Treatment Plant in Hostětín

It has been continuously operating since July 1997 as the first sewage treatment plant of this kind in the White Carpathians as well is in eastern Moravia. The construction of this sewage plant allowed to do away with a long-lasting building ban (protection zone of water-supply reservoir Kolelač) and opened possibilities of the village development.

The operation of the sewage plant has been permanently monitored. It has become a local biocentre with educational functions. It was the first sign for the Hostětín citizens and for the whole region signalling that an environment-friendly and autonomous solution of necessary municipal infrastructure may establish a brand new direction in considering the future of the countryside.

Investment and operating costs

A total investment amounting to CZK 4 905, 000 (waste water disposal system and RBTS) was shared by the following institutions:

Uherské Hradiště District Council (CZK 4 500, 000)

Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, the program River System Revitalization (CZK 320, 000 for pond construction).

The technology based on natural processes requires regular but undemanding maintenance and low running costs compared to standard technologies.

More from the history

In 1966 the water reservoir of Bojkovice was built by the municipality, bellow Hostětín, on the Kolač stream running through. Hostětín is the only village located in the catchment area of the reservoir, and in compliance with the standards on water resources protection a building blockage had been declared in the village before the reservoir was finished. 1990 the village became independent. The main task of a new local board was to build a sewage treatment plant, and thus remove the building blockage which excluded further development of the village.

In May 1993, in the upper Olšava catchment area, ZO ČSOP Veronica arranged a seminar focused on water purity, intended for local authority staff. Participating specialists, mayors and district officials agreed upon that a reed-bed sewage treatment plant is the best solution for Hostětín. In July 1995 a construction of the reed-bed sewage treatment plant was launched, and in July 1997, the plant was put into permanent operation.


Model Projects of Hostětín

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Rural Landscape

Although natural conditions are basic and defining foundations of landscape, long-term human activities significantly put finishing touches to landscapes, and the impact of any human activity on the landscape is diverse. A considerate, sensitive and reasonable approach to using natural resources or landscape management eventually results in environmental contributions and economic savings –generations to come should not have to redress the damages that we have left them because of our irresponsible behavior.

Our landscape programme is based on two approaches:

  • a land trust, as one of the instruments of non-governmental nature conservation we try to take care of precious pieces of the White-Carpathian landscape and Hostětín surroundings. The land trust takes care of a part of agricultural and forest lands which were purchased by the Veronica Foundation in 1998.
  • we promote expert discussions on landscape: we have been regularly organizing the international interdisciplinary conference Rural landscape since 2003 which creates a working framework for the meeting of young experts interested in the topic of the country and landscape. An expert debate, collective production and further education are evenly included in the three-day programme of the conference. The opening day the participants present their contributions to each other is followed by an all-day workshop focused on a landscape topic. The conference is closed by a field trip around the attractions of the White-Carpathian landscape.

Solar collectors

Solar workshop

Do-it-yourself solar collectors for heating water have been installed on ten houses in Hostětín since July 1997, as outcomes of the programme "Sun for the White Carpathians", which included a workshop for installation of simple modular solar systems.


Annual energy savings amount to approx. 2 000 kWh per one device. In total, 35 systems were installed on public and private buildings in the Landscape Protected Area.

TiNOX technology

TiNOX placed a large solar collector (36 m2) using the most modern technology on the roof of the juicing plant, and with this the village of Hostětín has one of the largest surface areas of solar collector’s per inhabitant in the Czech Republic.


Model Projects of Hostětín

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